Fraud in Volatile Times

29 July 2020 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm


This was the first webinar for which we used the Gnowbe platform as a proxy for face to face networking. We hope the participants enjoyed it and look forward to receiving their feedback which we will use to sharpen the effectiveness of the tool.

The economic fallout caused by the pandemic has created the ripest of conditions for more fraud. Businesses can lose their focus during times of crisis and, as a result, become more vulnerable to fraudulent activity. Controls can weaken with working from home. Individuals also become more vulnerable due to job insecurity, job losses and the pressures of managing debt. People do get desperate and fraud is often the result.

We hosted three experts from Chamber member Deloitte’s Forensic Team: Mr. Darren Cerasi, Mr. Jarrod Baker and Mr. André Menezes. They reminded us of the 10, 80, 10 rule: 10% of people will never commit fraud. They are honest to a fault. 80% of people are potential fraudsters depending on the opportunity or given situation and the remaining 10% of people are crooks. The message “Trust but Verify” came out loud and clear during the webinar as a key way to manage the risk of fraud. If something seems too good to be true, it most usually is.

We would like to thank Darren, Jarrod and André for their time and for sharing their expertise and insights with their fellow Chamber members. They have accepted an invitation to come back after the economic storm has passed to share some case studies and war stories with us.

Click here to access the webinar recording. We look forward to seeing you again in our next webinar.

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