SICC Breakfast Pitches

24 May 2024 @ 8:30 am - 10:00 am

SICC Members' Room

Breakfast Pitches, 24 May 2024

At one of our team meetings earlier this year to discuss how we could better engage and re-engage our members, Shirley Tan, Director, Membership Engagement suggested we provide an opportunity for members to sell their wares. The team liked the idea and Breakfast Pitches was born. Only members can pitch but we welcome prospective members in the audience.

Today, we held the inaugural session focussed on AI.  3 Chamber members – Le Wagon, Three North Stars Pte. Ltd. and Mr. Frederic Moraillon each pitched their business’ value proposition and capabilities in AI to fellow members and prospective members. Everyone also had the opportunity to connect and network before and after the event. It was an energetic start to a Friday morning. The questions came in thick and fast. Thanks to our members who pitched, everyone walked away with an enhanced appreciation for the applications of ubiquitous AI.

⭐Ashley Yeo, representing Le Wagon Tech Academy Pte Ltd, shared about their Gen AI online course.

⭐Richard Wen, of Three North Stars Pte Ltd, shared about protecting brands and malicious bot attacks.

⭐Frederic Moraillon of salesignals talked about his AI Chatbot product.

Our thanks to Shirley for the idea, to our 3 presenters and our attentive and engaged audience.

Keep a lookout for updates on our next Breakfast Pitches event in the coming weeks. We look forward to seeing you there.

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