Harnessing the Power of a Multi-Generational Workforce (By invitation only)

24 November 2022 @ 9:30 am - 11:00 am

Curtin Singapore

As part of its long-term support of the St. Gallen Symposium and its belief in intergenerational dialogue and inclusion, and as a lead in to next year’s St. Gallen Symposium, the Chamber was delighted to collaborate with the St. Gallen Symposium Leaders of Tomorrow Singapore Chapter (SGS) today. These are young men and women who have attended and participated at previous symposia. Today’s topic was to explore the perspectives of different generations on how best to harness the power of our multi-generational workforce for personal, commercial and societal benefit.

We started the event with a panel conversation involving Mr. Per Magnusson, Immediate Past Chairman of SICC and Group CEO of Jebsen & Jessen and Mr. Jonathan Savoir, CEO & Co-Founder of Quincus. The panellists shared their experiences, challenges and successes of enabling cross-generational collaboration, they lessons they have learned and the work they still have to do. The discussion was moderated by Ms. Alisa Steiner, Representative of the St. Gallen Symposium for Singapore.

The input from the panel conversation was discussed by the audience at their tables led by the SGS leaders of tomorrow. Each person provided input which will be summarized in a document prepared by the SGS leaders of tomorrow and shared with all participants.

The Chamber would like to thank Per, Jonathan and Alisa for their time and insights and all participants and facilitators for their authentic sharing. Special thanks, too, go to Chamber member Curtin Singapore for very kindly hosting the event at their new campus.

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