Members and Friends
Last week your Chamber
collaborated with 28 other trade
associations and chambers (TACs)
which form the TAC Alliance in
Singapore, to issue a
Joint Statement on Fair Hiring
and Employment Practices.
Last week, too, saw the
inauguration of President Biden
in the United States.
Back home again, we held
the first in a series of four
webinars this year on
mindfulness and its positive
benefits for each of us at work
and at home.
connects these three events, and
what will enable their success,
is the need for all of us to
change our mindsets starting
with each business leader, each
employee, each citizen and each
resident. As President Biden
said in his inaugural address,
and here I paraphrase, leaders
and America must:-
“Not lead
by their example of power but by
the power of their example.”
Humility and lack of ego are
the first prerequisites of
mindset change. Next come
self-awareness and the awareness
of the need to change.
Changing mindsets is hard. But
it is a decision each of us must
make in our own best, long term
interests and in the best long
term interests of our companies,
communities and countries. It
starts with truthful, self-
awareness which results in each
of us making the necessary
changes in ourselves to enable
ourselves, our teams and
communities to be more
positively impactful: to be
better and to do better
– not for ourselves alone but with and for others.
I am
working at being less
judgmental. What are you doing
to change your mindset to enable
others to do the same?
Warmest regards
Victor Mills
Chief Executive |