Dear Members and Friends
Later this week, environmentalists, scientists, political and thought leaders as well as businesspeople will gather for COP28. Expect a lot of talk. Can we expect a lot of action? The jury is out but one thing is for certain: there can be no more cop outs at COP28.
This is because 2023 is very likely to come in as the year with the highest temperatures since records began. We humans are continuing to destabilize our planet and undermine our future and the planet’s because of our sheer numbers and because of our selfish behaviors. We are pushing ever closer to a major tipping point.
One of the key questions each person, business and society need to ask themselves is: what steps can I/we take now to reduce my/our carbon emissions and contribute to the solution rather than add to the problem?
Given the current fractured nature of the world beyond Singapore it is sometimes hard to stay positive. And yet we must. We humans have caused the environmental problems and we have the capacity to resolve them if we can collaborate and innovate.
What are you and your business doing to be part of the solution? We’d love from hear from you and give you a platform in 2024 to share your successes to encourage better behavior all round. Drop us a line to
[email protected] and we’ll contact you.
Yours faithfully
Victor Mills
Chief Executive