Members and Friends
may remember we launched our
e-book on Navigating Singapore
in January 2022. The aim of the
e-book is twofold: to help
companies already based in
Singapore navigate the
city-state more easily and to
help overseas entrepreneurs and
potential investors better
understand Singapore and the
opportunities it offers. Since
its launch over a year ago we
have updated the e-book from
time to time as regulations
change to make sure it is a live
This year,
because we are the international
Chamber and to increase the
e-book’s reach, we have
commissioned Chamber member
Verztec Consulting Pte Ltd to
translate our e-book into 4
Asian languages: simplified
Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Thai
and Vietnamese. Like the
original English version, these
additional language versions are
available free of charge on our
website to both members and
prospective members alike:
We invite you to share the
above link with your business
partners and customers in China,
Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.
Please encourage them to browse
the version in their language.
As always, we welcome their
input and yours to keep
improving the content of our
e-book so it becomes even more
useful to more people.
Yours faithfully
Victor Mills
Chief Executive