Members and Friends
More people than at any other time during the Covid-19 pandemic here are now Covid positive but thanks to most being vaccinated most people are not seriously ill. However, their necessary absence from work is putting an extra strain on teams which are lean or which are already under-resourced thanks to the very tight labour market. These conditions are especially challenging for small businesses and teams. The truth is many of us are experiencing these challenges whether we work in the private or public sectors and we all have to find ways to cope. That’s what being resilient means.
The only way to cope with any hope of success is by leveraging optimal teamwork where people support each other as colleagues recover or as they support family members who are recovering. Another way is leveraging online tools as much as possible to make life more convenient and just easier for everyone. Being prepared to outsource activities to third parties at a small cost is another coping mechanism to lighten the burden of people already overburdened. Resilience means action based on agility, compromise, consideration and empathy.
These qualities are just as relevant to customers. Communicate that service levels will be temporarily lower to manage expectations and reduce everyone’s stress levels.
Wishing everyone a productive and team supported week ahead.
Victor Mills
Chief Executive