Members and Friends
For a country that placed far
too much emphasis on paper
qualifications for decades, the
LinkedIn Skills Path
initiative is most welcome. It
aims to encourage and facilitate
hiring based on skills not
among the skills needed for any
job is the right attitude to
work. A positive attitude goes a
long way. It enables enthusiasm
for learning - the willingness
to acquire new skills and to
burnish them by practise. Ask
most private sector employers
and they will tell you attitude
trumps qualifications every
Other core skills
needed for any role are the
ability to speak and write
clearly and effectively and the
willingness to collaborate in
teams to serve customers.
I wish the new initiative
every success. It should benefit
job seekers and employers alike.
In recent years the job
market’s chief problems have
been sub-par attitudes to work
coupled with the misplaced
self-entitlement which comes
from thinking a degree is the be
all and end all of achievement
and learning. It is not and
never was.
If you don’t
already do so, I hope you will
now hire based on skills not
Yours faithfully
Victor Mills
Chief Executive |
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