Dear Members and Friends This week we hear from our friends at SG Enable which champions the cause of integrating people with disabilities into the workforce. Not surprisingly, theres plenty of work for us all in Singapore to do to achieve the goal of meaningful inclusivity. Read on for what SG Enable has to say.
With very best regards Victor Mills Chief Executive
Helping Companies Establish Disability-Inclusive Practices in the Workplace
In a recent survey of over 100 human resource leaders for large companies and SMEs, more than 58% of the respondents felt their companies did not do enough to support people with disabilities. Over one-third of respondents to the survey, conducted by cloud computing company Workday, also felt that the inclusion of people with disabilities was the biggest issue in the workplace.
Many companies want to improve their readiness to hire and integrate people with disabilities but may be unsure of what areas to work on. SG Enable, with support from the Singapore Business Federation Foundation and in collaboration with Cornell University, has launched the Workplace Disability Inclusive Index. The goal of this free self-assessment tool is to enable employers to assess their companys readiness for inclusive hiring and identify areas of improvement to support the hiring and integrating of people with disabilities. The Index, covers the following six categories:
Recruitment and hiring
Diversity and inclusion
Accessibility and accommodation
Development and retention
Compensation and benefits
Metrics and analytics
After using the self-assessment tool, survey reports are generated for each category. These will recommend possible next steps for the company to take and point employers to the appropriate resources and workshops from SG Enable and other sources.
For more information, please email [email protected].
Many thanks.