Dear Members and Friends
Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a good break over the holidays and spent time with your loved ones. I certainly did.
It’s great to start the year with a piece from one of our collaborators: Ms. Ivy Tse, CEO of Halogen Foundation Singapore. Founded in 2003, Halogen Foundation Singapore is a value–based, not-for-profit Institution of Public Character (IPC) dedicated to youth leadership and entrepreneurship development. Both necessary as well as worthy goals. Read on….
Very best regards
Victor Mills
Chief Executive
Message from Ivy Tse, CEO Halogen Foundation Singapore
“I want to work for a company that appreciates my worth.” This is one such narrative that reinforces the notion that our young people have an entitlement or “me” mindset. While this could be a real attitude issue to be addressed, it may also be a problem of a mismatch of communications.
In our GenZ studies published earlier this year, we discovered a perception gap between what GenZs think are important for success (values such as integrity and passion) versus what they think employers seek (academic knowledge). Such perception differences are perpetuated through conversations that take place (or often don’t) in the workplace, creating a larger discord across the generations.
In more probing conversations with young people, I realise the comments they make are often not from a posture of entitlement but stem from an innate desire to be of significance and worth. GenZs want to be purposeful and valued in their work and often need guidance to prioritise what they need to deliver before seeking the validation they deserve. Better communication by managers and leaders often results in behavioural change by GenZ’s and they are able to develop more grounded ways of articulating their desires.
Facilitated conversations such as these can deepen our understanding of one another and allow us to appreciate our similarities rather than our differences. I invite you to join us in an endeavour to appreciate our young people starting with your workplace today. Halogen Foundation Singapore