Dear Members and Friends
It won’t be long before we have more plastics than fish in the world’s oceans unless we radically re-think waste management.
The aim of a Circular Economy is to eliminate waste—not just from manufacturing processes but throughout the life cycles and uses of products and their components.
There is a whole world of business opportunities out there if we just focus and re-think and re-design and make what we produce easy to re-use.
I invite you to join us at our 6 April 2017 event entitled: “Can Singapore do for Waste what it has done for Water?” You’ll learn about the many parallels between Singapore’s water success story and the now global priority to build a circular economy where we make things which can be re-used.
Some key takeaways from the session will include:
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How Singapore currently treats waste and the economic opportunity in driving circularity
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Why many governments and businesses are driving the Circular Economy
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New regulations in Asia affecting manufacturers and brands and
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Best business practices – globally and in Asia
Come and be inspired and seize your next business opportunity.
Have a great week ahead.
Warmest regards
Victor Mills
Chief Executive